“BEDAK SEJUK” (derived from the Malay language) means “cooling powder” in English. It has been used by Peranakan and The Straits’ people for centuries. First, the rice grainis soaked in water for months until fully dissolved. Then the rice starch is placed under the natural sunlight to dry completely which becomes BEDAK SEJUK. However, various studies show that the fermented rice water that is discarded during the process also contains multiple skin-loving anti-oxidants and enzyme. Thank to modern technology, these good properties in the rice water are now extracted & transformed into the PEEL-OFF ESSENCE GEL. It complements the traditional Bedak Sejuk with its superior moisturising and skin firming effects.
Inspired by the traditional ‘BEDAK SEJUK’, this innovative mask system includes an ENZYME RICE POWDER (step 1) & a PEEL-OFF ESSENCE GEL (step 2) to form a unique two-step mask routine. In just 25 minutes, it results in smoother, brighter & healthier skin.
PERA全球首创,灵感源自于600年东南亚海峡土生 人传统护肤秘方 -BEDAK SEJUK(马来语) 波打素珠水粉面膜。原有配方将大米在净水中发酵直至完全溶解,再将剩下的米浆中的水分蒸发,制成水粉。但是,多项研究证明,其废弃的米水中含有大量氨基酸和有机物质,对皮肤十分有益,PERA运用现代科技将传统配方改良,从废料发酵米水中提炼出有机大米CO2精华,使其功效加倍,并加入湿润分子,配合传统的波打素珠水粉一起使用,使效果最大化并且适合所有肤质使用。故名“混血面膜。”