东南亚地属热带,气候炎热潮湿,海峡土生华人发明了一系列天然有效的护肤诀窍来帮助皮肤解决因为烈日和湿气而产生的皮肤问题,由于历史和地理位置的原因,他们很早便接触到来自东西方不同国家的天然植物、草药、香料等,并用它们混搭蔬菜水果等材料制作成面膜、保湿霜、爽肤水、沐浴液。这也成为600年来海峡华人保持肤质细腻、延缓皮肤衰老的秘诀。许多秘诀沿用至今,比如水粉(Bedak Sejuk)是一种用东南亚本地稻米发酵后过滤,加入班兰叶制成的粉块,沾水涂在脸上,可快速消肿、止痒,达到祛痘和美白肌肤的神奇效果。
The Straits' people are deeply interested in maintaining their beauty and have developed many natural treatments to preserve both their looks and their youth. Since they lived in a humid and tropical climate, some of these solutions were aimed at protecting the skin from the harmful effects of the sun. These simple and completely natural concoctions have been proven to provide very effective protection from the sun and humidity.
One example is Bedak Sejuk, which is a powder made from rice and the Pandan Leaf. The powder cools the skin and prevents pimples. Over time, this treatment promotes a healthy and flawless complexion.
PERA SKIN CARE源自于马六甲海峡的中心 -新加坡,东西方文化汇集之所。作为第一个也是唯一一个以海峡土生华人(Peranakan)和娘惹 (Baba Nonya)文化为底蕴的护肤品牌,PERA名称源自于Peranakan(马来语“本地后代”之意)的前四个字母,数字1459则记录了中国明朝公主韩丽宝初次登陆马六甲的年份,开启了海外华人与其他种族例如马来人、西班牙人、葡萄牙人和英国人通婚并在海峡落地生根的历史篇章。同其他护肤品的不同之处在于,PERA的产品研发灵感均来自于娘惹文化的多种族之间包容、开放、融合的理念以及“适应自然”的生活态度,每一款产品都由专业皮肤专家混搭东西方最为稀有、最为纯净的天然植物草本萃取物精制而成,适合各种肌肤使用,创造了护肤品界的“融合之美”的概念,以独特的“海峡视角”重新定义皮肤护理和美学之间的关系。
PERA SKIN CARE从设计、研发、生产均坚持以下三个原则,这也成为PERA每一款产品背后的灵感的目标所在。
Inspired by Peranakan's mixed culture and their natural way of living, PERA was founded to marry nature and science, heritage and modernity, Asian and Western traditions. This can be seen in all PERA products, which are developed culturally with a deep understanding of the ingredients based on extensive research on folk medicine and traditional use of the ingredients.
PERA is driven by its pursuit of three guiding principles. They serve as the inspiration and purpose behind every one of our products.
1. The use of pure natural ingredients - every PERA product is infused with nature’s own uncontaminated, high-performing ingredients. These ingredients include concentrated antioxidants, plant extracts, natural fruits, essential oils, vitamins and minerals which have many benefits for the skin.
2. Harmonized formula for your skin - Inspired by the mixed heritage of Peranakan, PERA products are blended with fusional ingredients which are globally sourced from the Korean Peninsula to the rainforests of Malaysia, the Swiss Alps, and Tasmania, Australia. These ingredients work in harmony to achieve the most desired results for your skin.
3. Dedication to high quality & safety- from formulation to production, we pay meticulous attention to detail to ensure the high quality of our products. Each ingredient is tested and analyzed by our professional skincare experts before being processed using state-of-the-art technology in ISO/GMP-accredited facilities. This ensures the ingredients' effectiveness for rapid absorption by the skin and visible, restorative results. All PERA products are free of ingredients that cause allergic reactions and skin irritations, such as Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, Parabens, Phthalates, and artificial colorings. With PERA products, you can guarantee the safety of your skin.
PERA has a keen interest in conserving the Peranakan culture. The tagline "1459 The Straits" under PERA logo marks the year of the beautiful & graceful Chinese Princess Hang Lipo's arrival at The Port of Malacca, which begins the era of the The Straits' Chinese. The charming, colorful, and inspirational culture of the Peranakan people is one which we are proud to share with the world. Unfortunately, though, it is also a culture which is slowly fading away due to modernization and diminishing social identity. Our commitment to helping preserve the heritage of the Peranakan includes:
1. Encourage the younger generation to learn about this unique culture so that the heritage can be passed down through many more generations.
2. We pledge to donate part of our global revenue to Peranakan Association & other NGOs in the region to support various social & cultural activities.
We invite you to join us as we celebrate the Peranakan culture and share their knowledge of the intricacies of nature and beauty.